Monday, October 30, 2017

October 17th, 2017
Exodus 33:18
Moses said, ‘please show me your glory.’ (ESV)
I am sitting here in the house in Cambodia praying this with my whole heart. God show me your glory this year. I want to see you in a way that I never have before. I am overcome with this confidence that He will do this. Even if it is just a glimpse of Him I would be satisfied. But I pray that, that glimpse would last in my mind and heart forever. That it wouldn’t fade, that I would have something to cling to. I know that with his glory comes a peace and an awe. I can’t help but feel that it is going to happen soon, not yet, but little by little over these next months he is going to reveal little by little until I will be left with a whole picture of who I think He is. But it won’t stay that way because then He will reveal another piece of himself to me. The truth of it is, is that we will never be able to comprehend God in all His eternity, our human brains are too small and we have too many boxes we put Him into. The most accurate example of God we have is from Jesus but even he is a mystery almost like a puzzle. I can’t even imagine what it would have been like to try and understand God in the time that Moses lived. You would have had a very different kind of faith, for the average person it would have been very hard to view God as a God that wants a relationship. It would have been hard for me to have truly felt like He was there or that He cared.  It is amazing though how so much has changed in the world since then but people are still begging for the same thing. They still want to see God and see his glory. It is not just an experience of God but it is also wanting that knowledge of Him and begging to see Him. Our world is broken and breaking more and more everyday, and it feels like it is harder and harder to see God on some days so I beg that He would show me a glimpse of Him some way or some how. The beauty of it is, He does meet me, He does draw me in and reveal more of Himself.

Application: God show me more of who you are, reveal to me the characteristics of you, and teach me to be more like you. Grow my desire to read your word and teach me how to love you more.
October 24th, 2017
Psalm 93:4
“Mightier than the thunders of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea, the Lord on high is mighty.”
When I first read this verse I thought, that’s all great and dandy but I don’t really know what to right about this. So, then I thought what exactly is the word mightier, so I looked up synonyms and saw that they were words like; vast, huge, expansive, enormous. This stumped me. I was confused because I had always thought that mighty meant strong but really it mean bigger than big. So, the verse is saying, vaster than the thunders of many waters but I thought it was saying stronger and more powerful than the thunders. And Yes, it is true that God is strong and powerful but the verse is saying that He is bigger than the sky which expands over all the earth. He is bigger than the biggest wave in the ocean. His love for us can fill an infinite number of oceans. Our Lord is mighty. We should not down play that or limit Him with our small minds. He is vast, He is bigger than anything we can even imagine. We can’t imagine something that hasn’t been created by God and put on display for us to see. That is why this word is so hard to comprehend, because we physically can’t describe it. It honestly gives me a headache trying to think about it and trying to understand.

Application: Look this week for examples of how God is bigger than the boxes I put him in.
September 28th, 2017
2 Timothy 2:2
“You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others.”

Things that have been confirmed by many reliable sources, this section of the verse should give us comfort in the fact that what was being aid is true and theologically correct. I know that often people just believe what ever they are told if it comes from even just one person they deem as a trustworthy source for the teaching.  But even though Paul was a trust worthy teacher he still mentions that it agreed with other’s testimonies as well not just his own. It gives him more credit and I believe that is very important.
When I read this I originally thought of myself disciplining others, reminding me of the girls that I mentor back home. I thought to myself, how credible am I? Am I able to also cite the information I am telling the girls? The answer is no, I do not do that. I want to challenge them about what it is they should be believing, what they should do to find out what is false teaching and what is truth. I hope that with this realization now I can start looking into where verses are found so that I may start to be a more credible leader for them so that they will know when what I am saying is doctrine and what is just my opinion. Also, so that when they are witnessing to others about God and need to know where something from scripture is found that we were talking about they will be more knowledgeable about the bible.

Application: Memorize a verse that you deem as a keystone in your walk with the Lord