Monday, September 11, 2017

August 30th, 2017
Matthew 20:26-28
"But amoung you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader amoung you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be th first among you must become your slave. For even the son of man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many."

The world tell us to climb the ladder of success but the bible says we must be last and the least. I always wondered why people fell away from Christ. Sure it may be because they did feel welcomed at their church or  they had a falling out with some one, but I have began to realize there are so many things trying to pull you away than the obvious sins that the church may talk about. I grew up going to a fair conservative school, it wasn't a Christian school but it wasn't as worldly as most public schools. In my school I as a woman was constantly told that I needed to go on to university to get a degree inorder to support my family one day. I should not even consider becoming a housewife because there was more to my life than that, and it would trap me in a marriage because I would have no where to go. While I don't disagree that education is important and holds value to my life it doesn't mean that I have to be the bread winner in my family. I believe that the man should be the main provider for the family but if I even thought about saying that in school I would get a stern talking to about how I need to get my priorities straight. The school system in Canada is constantly trying to boost up women so that they may be strong corporate leaders and not just meet men at the level of competition in job finding etc. but to surpass them in all areas.

So naturally coming here was really hard for me at first when they were telling us to let the guys do all the heavy lifting, letting us eat first, and basically just going first for everything. On the inside I was about to explode not because of anger but because I want to serve in that way too. All my life I had been some one who had to be strong, so it was hard for me. I was used to going last and trying to serve others in that way. I mean it wasn't a shock because I knew that it is the way God designed it to be but it was still hard because I haven't been practicing that in my daily life at all.

These verses really remind me of Aaron within the story of Moses. He was always leading by following Moses lead. Everything he did was because Moses had instructed him which was a word given to him by God. He physically lifted up Moses arms inoder to for the Irealites to win their battle against the Amalekites. I realize that I should want to be a leader like Aaron is. Most people just gaze over him when reading this like I did the first time. But, he is the perfect example of what a servant leader looks like. He is constantly submitting to Moses and the authority that he has, he doesn't question him he just trusts him and follows. Even though he holds a high rank he is humble and and continues to humble himself in order to better serve in the way that God has called him. I find that we often want to be the Moses' in this situation, but for women in regards to their relationship to men are called to be the Aaron's. It is only us that can hold up the arms of Moses on Earth with the help of God of course.

Serve one of my team mates/ the ones that are staying in my room today.

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