Sunday, March 11, 2018

February 28th, 2018

“Be not far from me, for trouble is near, and there is none to help.” Psalms 22:11

Over this last week some troubles have arose in my life. Everything that had been going on was a repercussion of other people’s decisions. I had no say in the matter but it still all affect me. My prayer to God in that time was be not far from me. There was trouble all around me and I felt overwhelmed but everything that was happening in my life, there was no one around me to help me either. The thing was sometimes you can’t change circumstances, you have no power to do anything because it wasn’t your decision that altered the course of what would happen next. God is not far from me, I know He is here. God is still good, that I also know and repeat to myself everyday.  Trouble maybe be near, so near that I feel it pressing on me on ever side. But, I can still look up. I can look up and see the saviors hand still guiding my path and I can see His loving eyes cast on me. The trick is to remember to look up. I often think that it is in the hard times it is a lot easier to remember to lean on Jesus for everything. That it is in the every day living that it is hard. But in this time in the searching for answers, in the healing and in the challenge, we are faced with a much different challenge than just being with God and talking with Him daily. We are instead filled with emotions that we don’t want to feel, having to face things we never have before, to remind ourselves daily of what Jesus did for us and how we should act as a reflection of that in response.  Learning to let things go, to hold them with empty hands. God be not far from me, there is trouble near, and there is none left to help me except you.

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