Monday, August 7, 2017

August 1st, 2017
Luke 21:19
"By standing firm, you will win your soul."
"by your patience possess your souls." NKJV
"in your patience possess ye your souls." KJV

By Standing firm... standing firm. How often am I guilty of flaking out when tough times come? I find that inorder for me to commit to something I have to be one hundred and ten percent in it, so that I won't back out. You see I don't like to fail, or lose, I am quite competitive in that way which can often keep me from doing things that I am not sure I will win at.

Luckily with God's promises you know that you will come out victorious, but the intense training to get there sometimes will scare off those who are not confident in the fact that they have the best personal trainer around. Then there are others that try to do it themselves, they think "I read a book on this once so I know what I am doing." Except reading a book on it doesn't qualify you for the olympics. There needs to be coaches in your life, a whole team of them spuring you on and instructing you how to be better and better each day.

Then once you have established a team and are continiously standing firm in your training and keeping yourself healthy, then you will achieve the greatness you desire. You will win your soul, like a prize. We should be treating our souls like prizes. Don't wager them on the line for nothing of much value or for something that isn't substancial.  You need to be confident in where you are placing your hope, because if it is not somewhere solid then you will fall for everything. Especially for things of this world that seem shiny and sturdy on the outside but they are rotten on the in. You will find yourself caving in like a rotting log on the forest floor. Like that log you will be left lying face down decaying faster than you can imagine.

Today I am practicing placing my strength in God, so me and Maya are going to be fasting. We will hold eachother accountable to go off and pray during each meal.

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