August 25th, 2017
1 Corinthians 12:14-15
"Yes, the body has many different parts, not just one part. If the foot says, 'I am not a part of the body because I am not a hand,' that does not make it any less a part of the body."
Last night I was praying with my field assignment team, Cambodia, and I prayed about this not knowing it was the IBS verse for today. I believe that God really wants to ingrain this into my brain before we get to our field time. Since I have struggled with perfection and wanting to be the best in all areas of my life this is an important verse for me to remember. Sometimes I forget that everyone is made inadequate in some way. The reason for that, besides the typical answer of the fall, is because God wants us to depend on each other while we walk through our lives serving Him. He wants community and He wants there to be a team work mentality to it. Just like man and women are made to complete eachother, so is the church. I know in which areas I am lacking, take skits for example, I am not the best actor. Knowing this I openly tell my team that I stink so we arrange that I have a smaller part and allow one of the other girls to step in as the lead, they are all amazing at it by the way. But even with something that simple I can already see how my team adapts when needed and they recognize they need to support eachother inorder to come together and get the work that we need to done.
It blows my mind that God would do that, he made us all different. He didn't want rebotic soldiers that are all exactly the same. He forsaw the beauty that comes with the team work we are created to have, and when everything falls in place it is beautiful. So incredibly beautiful, like this sunrise that is popping up over the clouds and trees that surround me here.
Application: Analyze my team and see where they can step in and lift my arms in the weak areas of my life. Write down one area for each of them.
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