Monday, August 7, 2017

August 2nd, 2017
Colossions 1:11
We also pray that you will be strengthed with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy.

This verse reminds me alot of running. When you run the goal is often to build endurance, not just to lose weight. But in order to build endurance though you need to add an element to your work out, eg. another lap, push for a faster time, press on harder. You can not just build endurance by having the same workout that never pushes you farther. But then it says, "may you be filled with joy" for me personally I get an abundant amount of joy when I run. You get to soar, zip, or become bent over in half while along your route. There is just something crazy about seeing how far you can push your body. That same way God wants to push us, He wants to add more and more pressure to our lives allowing us to bend to his will.

Another thing that I noticed in this passage is that is says you will have all the endurance and patience that you will need, not what you want but what you need. We, as people from western society, tend to over buy, over eat, and over produce. We are always wanting more. Never sastisfied but always indulging for more. But this verse specifically says what you need. We often don't give credit to God for all that he is doing. We think that he isn't doing enough in our lives because it isn't as tangeable as the world going on around us. We become spoiled expecting things and when they aren't given to us in our own time we freak out. But He says He will fill us with joy and give us all we need.

I am going to write in my journal five ways and times that God has strengthened me.

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