Monday, July 31, 2017

Luke 8: 11-15
"This is the meaning of the parable: the seed is God's word. The seeds that fell on the footpath represent those who hear the message, only to have the devil come and take it away from their hearts and prevent them from believing and being saved. The seeds on the rocky soil represent those who hear the message and recieve it with joy. But since they don't have deep roots, they believe for a while, then they fall away when they face temptation.  The seeds that fell among the thorns represent those who hear the message, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the cares and riches and pleasure of this life. And so they never grow into maturity. And the seeds that fell on the good soil represent honest good-hearted people who hear God's word and cling to it, and patiently produce a huge harvest."

This parable made me think of all the times that my life has been each of these seeds. So fragile. It is easily swept up with the wind and taken where it did not want to go. Crows trying to pick at them carry them off to devour them. But there is nothing that we can do except land on soil. Yet even still some times when we do land on the soil but that crow will still try to pluck us from where we belong. But if we are rooted already and starting to grow it will be too much for the crow and it will die because it is lacking in food.

If we think about that for just a second it is radical. If everyone on this planet started to plant themselves in the good soil, reading and absorbing God's word, then there would be no place for Satan. He would grow hungry because we would not give in and he would be destroyed. Not only that but this place would be filled with fruit, orchards everywhere you'd look.

I know that for me personally, I have been guilty of all of three of these. In fact it even happens when I think that I am in good soil  I will hear a sermon and feel convicted but as soon as the service is over I start to think "what is for lunch today, I am starved." The message that had convinced me that I was going to change my life completely gone from my mind. Yet I was still in the good soil and growing more and more each day. Is that even possible? Is is possible to be in good soil yet not be applying everything you are learning? I view it this way, when you are placed in good soil you start to grow roots that anchor you down and then you grow verticaly. If you are not absorbing the nutrients you will grow hunry and shrival up. If you absorb the nutrients you will prosper. Yet some times you only absorb some and that puts your growth rate at a slower pace and there will be less fruit. But we should want there to be as much fruit as possible so that others can pluck some from our tree but we will still be able to produce more to replace the fruit that has been taken.

Application: Apply to my life what was convicting during Ali's devo last night, don't just let it be a fleeting thought.
Mark 10: 47-49
"When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus of Nazarith was nearby, he began to shout, 'Jesus, son of David have mercy on me!' 'Be quiet!' many of the  people yelled at him. But he only shouted louder 'Son of David, have mercy on me!' When Jesus heard this, he stopped and said 'Tell him to come here.' So they called the blind man, 'cheer up' they said. 'Come on he's calling you' Bartimus jumped up, threw aside his coat and followed him."

In these verses it reminds me that I have been and sometimes am guilty of crying out to God only when I feel his presence or when I think that He is near. I personally know that in my life when I feel that God is no where to be found I, in no way, want to talk to him. I try to put off my problems say, when this Sunday comes, then I'll deal with it. Or at this youth confrence, God is going to be so evident, He'll be there and then He will hear me. I get caught up in only wanting to talk to Him or confess my sins when I am on a spiritual high. Since being here already I am dealing with things that I never have dealt with before, or belittled. It is crazy how much God can pull out of you even when you think that he is done digging and at the most random times. Yesterday when we were doing the cardboard testimonies another part of me and my past was dug out. I was a random time where I was all of a sudden emotionally charged and crying out to Jesus. I wasn't in some spiritual high, or at some crazy confrence. I was just doing a simple task in my day. God was showing me that I needed to give up things to him at all points of the day. Not just when I felt it weighing on me.

Another two things that I pulled out were that; one he was blind, and two that he was a beggar. The first of those two points made me think, 'What am I blind to?' Am I blind to God and what he wants daily for me? Do I truly pray to God that He will give me eyes to see the broken and everything else that he sees?  Something I do know is that I want to be blind to the world. I do not want my eyes to be turned anymore by everything going on around me. I want to tune out the static and tune into God.

The second point was that he was a beggar. He was a beggar and and everyone knew it. I think that we need to have more of a beggars mentallity. We need to start by lowering ourselves, getting on our knees and start begging for Christ instead of having the mentality that he owes us we need to remember that He could just pass us on the street but he chooses to come alongside us and pick us up.

Today I will pray that God will dig out something in my life then talk to one of the girls from the missions team about what God has been doing in my life
Luke 8: 22-25
One day Jesus said to his disciples, "let's cross to the other side of the lake." So they got into a boat and started out. As they sailed across, Jesus settled down for a nap. But soon a fierce storm came down on the lake. The boat was filling with water, and they were in real danger. the disciples went and woke him up, shouting, "Master, Master, we're going to drown!" When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and the raging waves. Suddenly the storm stopped and all was calm. then he asked them, "where is your faith?" the disciples were terrified  and amazed. "who is this man?"  they asked each other,  "when he gives a command, even the wind and waves obey him!"

why were they going to the otherside of the lake?
what was there? when was this? like what time of day?

When reading these verses I came to the realization that I am just like the disciples. I am guilty of suddenly calling out "Lord" whenever I come to the realization I am in danger, expecting God to save me. What I find interesting is that it says "they were in real danger", I think often I don't call out to God until I deem it as real danger, I am reluctant to allow God to help and speak to me unless I feel as if I have no other option. I wait until I am in real danger before I ask God to help me. Another thing that I noticed is that they went to Jesus after running around like chickens with no heads on. Instead of praying for themselves right away to God, they went to him trusting that he would have the easy way out for them. They didn't rely on there faith in God to deliver them, they relied on the tangable Jesus to get them through. I know that in my life I am also guitly of looking to the physical beings for help, through friends, my dad of whom is a pastor, or my mentors at church to give me good counsel. I go to them wanting immediate answers of what to do, and put my full weight on them instead of God. But when I find that I am in danger and realize that I can not fix it through other people or myself then then I cry out "Lord, save me."

The last thing that stood out in this passage is that they were terrified and amazed. How is that they are in the presence of Jesus yet they only at times become amazed? It is as if they forget that he is the son of God and can do all things. They have seen Him heal the paralized, and raise people from the dead but they limit Him to those kinds of healings. They do not believe that he could control the universe. I often am reminded of God's great power when I am in nature. I am amazed by the things that Christ has created. He not only made every human different, but He has also made the animals and plants different too. He is set on the individuality of everything on this planet.

Application: Today I will pray earnestly for all the ministries we are doing today before things get tough.
Matthew 8: 9-10
I know this because I am under the authority of my superior officers, and I have authority over my soldiers. I only need to say, 'GO' and they go, or 'Come', and they come . And if I say to my slaves, 'Do this,' they do it. When Jesus heard this, he was amazed . Turning to those who were following him, he said, "I tell you the truth, I haven't seen faith like this in all Isreal!

The first thing I noticed in this passage was this; that there is a sort of parrallel between the two, he, in some crazy concept is like Jesus. He has been given authority over people but he still gets his orders from some where. Just like Jesus does with God. Everyone does as he says just as we would with Jesus. The man also has slaves, we could all be seen as slaves to Jesus. Giving up everything to follow him but Jesus still giving us a reward for serving Him humbly, as I can imagine a good "employer" of slaves would.
This man has enough faith to know that Jesus is lord, and he know that he doesn't even need to set hands on those who are injured in order to heal them. The man says, I am unworthy of you coming to my house but even with that in mind, heal my servant. (Not "heal me", but my servant) That is crazy in itself! This man of obvious status, is taking the time to want to heal this servant in which he obviously could have replaced with ease. It is amazing that this man has only heard inklings of the great things that Jesus has done yet believes whole heartedly with nothing to lose. How easy is it for me to trust and have faith in God? More times then not I find it is easier and more comfortable to forget about God and try things for myself. Obviously that doesn't last very long, realizing I need him, I have faith. But I can honestly say that it is not this kind of faith shown, I realize that I wouldn't have the faith to say "don't come into my house, but heal him from here because I know you can." I often find myself thinking is it a miracle or by chance? I want to discredit God and not give Him the glory. Does God even perform miracles anymore? Of course! It is a miracle that I even have my left foot and it is not amputated. Why is it that we as humans want to belittle God subconciously? Is it because the world tells us there are no such things as miracles from God? That science is the only answer? Why should we listen to the ludacris information that is coming from the world?

Find some one on the property today that has witnessed a miracle in regular life (that wasn't while on a missions trip) and write it in my journal so that this week I can be reminded of God and his constant miracles.
Hebrews 11:6 and it is impossible to please God without faith. anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. NLT

When I began reading this I immediately stopped at the part where it says "it is impossible to please him". This section of the verse is difficult for me because I view God as my father. Ever since I was born I was the little girl that always wanted to impress her Dad. Always looking up at him after she did a ballet recital in her living room, or peering out of a baseball helmet trying to search for the approval in his eyes. I always wanted to be the best for him. I was not okay with being just mediocre, I wanted to have the confidance that I would be the one in control of the situation so that I could stand out among the rest. But it became more than that, I would start to get angry with myself if I wasn't reaching all these standards that I had set for myself. It was no longer my Dad that I thought I was dissapointing it was myself. Which later translated to me being a dissapointment to God. Being human I couldn't obtain all these goals I had set, and would start to get frustrated with myself if I messed up on small school assignments, or a connecting pass in soccer. It wasn't till this last year that I started to let that go, it was hard for me to be okay with coming broken to the cross. I was used to having everything together, I was the one that was supposed to be the good example to my friend group at school, be the model older sister for my younger siblings, and the words of wisdom to my small group at youth. I got a type of pride from it too, I wouldn't have admitted it though, I might have even seemed like I was humble to others but in my head I was so prideful.

I think that humans crave the affection that people give them so therefore we try to please everyone or even just ourselves. This is also the same for God. Although he doesn't fall for our mask, or our schemes. He sees right through us. We have a hard time with this concept because it isn't human works that has gotten us saved it was because of Jesus. this is difficult because that means we cannot control the outtcome. We could be putting on an act for everyone around us that we were serving with our whole heart, for God, when all we wanted was reccognition from others that we really did nothing to deserve.

It is impossible to please him for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists. This, is still faith. It says, that you need to have faith to please God, and it starts there. I think that most people try and skip this important step. They move straight to the works that they have to do because the world has ingrained in them that they have to have to earn their way to heaven. Not being able to fathom that God would let them off the hook with only asking them to have faith. How is it that God, the creator of this universe is proud of us when we only have to believe? He could command of us anything thing he wants and yet all he asks is that we have faith and go from there. We are not even equivalent to the dirt that his shoes would grace the presence of walking on. Yet, he allows us to cling to him and believe in him. The verse even goes to say that those who seek him, he will reward. We will never, ever, be able to deserve the reward that God has for us. So why do I keep getting caught up in selfishly trying to please him when he is already proud of me?

Some one once told me there are too types of pride; there is the self-rightous kind, but there is also the pride of the meek. The pride of those who think they will never be able to amount to anything in God's eyes. The kind of those who think that God could never forgive them for what they have done. This however, is limitting God. When I came here to IGNITE I was full of the self-rightous pride. then after a quick and hard reality check, I stooped to the other kind of pride. Not even realizing that's what it was.

Today when I write my next ibs I will write it in one go not going back to edit it. trying to make it as raw as I can and trying to be okay with it not being perfect.
Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see." Hebrews 11:1 NLT

"Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see." Hebrews 11:1 NLT
So many times people think that Christ followers just have a hope in things that are unseen and untrue. They think it is a hoax and that we put our whole lives into the hands of a mythical being. Even if they do think that we are putting our hope into something that isn't real, they need to realize that it isn't just hope. It's not that simple, it is faith. It is jumping off that cliff with sparkling water below but not knowing if there are rocks hidden near the surface. But, even with the fact that there might be danger ahead running through our minds, we take the jump anyways. Flinging ourselves with all our might trying to get as far as we can before we hit the refreshing and inviting paradise below. Some times we choose to jump, other times we sit back with that paradise still in view not willing to move. May it be frozen in place out of fear, or a stubborness of not wanting to be the first to jump. But there are also times when you jump off that cliff because you are pushed. Not by your will, although not by another physical human either. Like a little whisper inside your head that encourages you to do the thing that terrifies you most. Like a wild animal charging you as you stand at the edge with to jump as your only option. But when we do jump, the water is serenity and we are overcome by the assurance that with the leap of faith we took there is gratification and a peace that comes after the free fall. So what is faith? The literal defenition for faith within religion is reliance, loyalty, or complete trust in God; a system of religous beliefs. But what is the difference between belief and faith then? As I mentioned in the metaphor above, faith would require an action to be taken inorder for it to be lived out. Where as belief would be to trust in something and accept it but that is it, the thought dies there. Faith is a continous process that has to consistantly be pursued.
 Within the verse it also says "the conviction of things not seen" (ESV) to me conviction reminds me of the admitance of sin in your life or the realization of things being done wrong. I think that the author of this verse chose that word puposefully because it has a pressing urge to it. This shows that those things that aren't seen but there is still the reality of it all being very real. Just because you can't always see a rainbow doesn't mean it doesn't exsist.

An example of faith is when I packed up to come here to IGNITE. Being from Canada as well as the first Canadian to come to IGNITE I really had no clue as to what expect. I didn't know anyone that had gone through the program so I couldn't ask them questions about anything related to my next year. But still some part of me didn't want to know. Maybe it is because I wanted a taste of the free-fall and the sumersaulting feeling in your stomach that comes with it. But all I knew was that I was going to a place where they loved Jesus and taught about him and that I wanted people with that kind of wisdom in my life. So getting on a plane with barely any knowledge as to where I was going I took off with the faith that God would some how protect me and get me where I needed to go. When I first jumped I couldn't help the feeling creep into my mind that maybe, just maybe I had gotten it wrong and wasn't supposed to jump. But then I caught a glimpes of why I did in the first place and the feeling left within a fleeting moment.  Although I am still in the free-fall I know that I won't hit the shallow rocks below, because I plan to launch myself as far as I can before I hit the oasis below.

Application: This week I will be praying that God will give me an oppertunity to step out in faith each day and that I would take the jump with a willing heart in
order to fully understand the concept of faith through God and not through myself.


July 28, 2017
Ephesians 5:15-17
So be careful how you live. Don't live like fools, but like those who are wise. make the most of every oppertunity in these evil days. Don't act thoughtlessly but understand what the Lord wants you to do.

We need to learn to become atuned to what it is God wants for our lives. So often I find myself in thought about my future and what it is God wants for me. I trick myself some times and think, "is this God talking to me or just me pretending God is talking to me inorder to get answers of questions that I probably want". These verses really spoke to me because right now I am in a season of my life where I really need to be listening for God's voice and guiding hand I can not even entertain the idea of me being incontrol. I have come to the realization finally that this is so much more than me and doing it on my own strength. But letting go is hard, giving up that control feels nearly impossible but eventually we all get to that place where we are exhausted and can't go on any longer, so we pass the torch. Don't act thoughtlessly. How many times do you go into a room for something and then when you step across the threshold you completely forget what you came for? For myself this is an example of doing something thoughtlessly. We need to have a clear vision and knowledge that we don't have those moments where we forget what it is we came for and what is we we are meant to do.

Application: Before every meal today pray to God that he would reveal some of his wisdom and set me on the path that he wants me to be on.


July 26, 2017
2  Corinthians 1:12
"We can say with confidence and clear conscience that we have lived with a God-given holiness and sincerity in all our dealings. We have depended on God's grace, not on our own human wisdom. That is how we have conducted ourselves before the world, and especially toward you."

ESV: "For our boast is this, the testimony of our conscience, that we behaved in the world with simplicity an godly sincerity, not by earthly wisdom but by the grace of God, and supremely so toward you."

I think that regardless of what you believe in this world, everyone can agree that we want to be genuinely good people. Even if you do not believe in God or follow Him, you recognize the fact that there is a need in this world to do good. So how does one seperate the "good people" from those who are doing works in the Lord's name? Besides the obvious being the lack of relationship with God in their life. There is also a lack of sanctification and with that, holiness. But what does holiness mean? Does it mean to be baptized? To be of Christ and have him dwell in you? Is it to be set apart?
 The literal definition of holiness is the sanctity or purity of something. So based on that description I depicted that to be holy and pure is to be seperate from evil and sin. This is so difficult because our flesh wants us to give in and take the easy route. To be "happy and satisfied". But happiness is temporary and a lie. One that we should not fall for. We should crave the eternal joy that comes with Jesus Christ and his sacrifice.

Can I say today that I live with clear conscience and confidance in God at all times? If I am being honest, no, I can't. It is difficult for me to trust God so freely. I am so used to trying to get things done on my own and only relying on myself or my friends. God was always put second unless I was craving that spiritual high. I want people to think of me as holy and sanctified. I no longer want to just go along with what everyone says. I am asking that God would change me and clean me. That he would not allow me to be seen as anything but complete and clean in him.

Application: Pray every Saturday morning to be sanctified and made holy and new in him. Brooke will keep me accountable in this area.


July 26,2017
James 1:5
If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking for it.

More and more I have been seen God as this amazing Father figure.  You know the kind that tries to do something nice by buying their kid the really ugly but durable clothes? He isn't swayed by the child or by the fashion that is popular, He knows what will last and what won't. But He isn't reluctant to buy them the clothes. He wants the best for them, and he wants them well clothed but he doesn't want to waste his time buying the cheap clothes that will break when times get rough. You see, God is generous. He is willing to give you anything you ask of him in faith. If you ask for any of the fruits and are spending time in the word then you will recieve them. So if you need wisdom, ask! He wants His children to be well equiped, to possess all the gifts that He has instore for us. Why would God get mad at you for asking for gifts that are pleasing to Him?
I believe that it is possible that when you ask for the gifts and he gives them to you, but you do not honour Him with them he will take them away.
God is generous, but He is not a gene. He doesn't owe you anything so it is important to remember that whenever we ask something of God that we do it in humility and not in pride.

For me it is hard to ask God for things because I want to do it all on my own. Sometimes I would view myself as weak if I would get help from others. But since being here I already have had my perspectives change. I now have the mind set that we are on a team and that it is okay to lean on someone else.

Application: My application for today is that I am going to write down a list of things that God has given me since being here into my journal and reflect in thankfulness of all he has done.


July 25,2017
Psalm 111:10

Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom. All those who obey his commandments will grow in wisdom.
Praise him forever!

This verse is saying that there should be an element of fear in every realtionship with God. It should be the foundation of which you build your house. It is after all, wise to fear God for it says in the bible that we are fearfully and wonderfuly made. But what exactly does that mean? When I first heard this saying I thought that it meant that we as humans were intially made fearful of everything. I have now come to the realization that we, although fearful in everything we do, are made wonderful through the reccognition that Christ is Lord and the OBEDIANCE to follow him. We need to remain aware that it is through Christ that we are even on this earth and he could just as easily remove us. I am often guilty at times thinking that the "old testament God" doesn't exsist anymore. That God now is the loving one, that shows mercy and grace. I forget some times that it is the same God that burnt cities to the ground, released plages, or flooded the whole earth. We should fear God, he after all holds the keys to the gates of hell. So why is it then, that we fear the evil one more than God? Is it because of the fall and there is a twisted up reasoning behind everything that we do?
With that in mind, I think about how amazing it is that God is still merciful, loving and protective of us still! We should praise him forever, not just out of fear, but out of respect. For we have the knowledge of what he has the power to do, yet He still does not act out in anger towards our sins.

Application: Think about one way in which God has made me fear his awesome power, but then how he delivered me from it, share with some one this week that story.


James 3: 13-17
"If you are wise and understand God's ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in you heart, don't cover up the truth with boasting and lying. For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind. But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yeild to theirs. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere."

"Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in you hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth . This is not wisdom that comes from above. but is earthly, unsipritual and demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peacable, gentle open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere."

If you are wise, what is it to be wise?
Wisdom; Knowledge, insight, judgement

When you think of wise do you think of the old men at church with the white hair and glasses, do you think of the owl from Winnie the Pooh or maybe to you it's your parents. Regardless of who it is, everyone at some point has come across someone who they consider to be wise in their life. What even deems one as wise? Is it the wrinkles on their weathered skin, the grey hair, or maybe it is just the fact that they wear glasses?
One of the first places that wisdom is recorded in the bible is in Gen 3:6, it is talking about Eve craving the wisdom from the tree. I have always been one that craves wisdom, I remember from a young age always wanting to be wise like Solomon. I always would pray to God that he would make me wise like God did for him. Ecclesiastes has always been one of my favourite books of the bible, and not just because Solomon wrote it. I have always admired the wisdom behind the words spoken and yes, alot of them are sad and make life seem "meaningless" but they have beauty and truth to them too, they have wisdom. Wisdom of some one who spent their life chasing the wind. He was blinded by things of this world, had a limited vision until God gave him wisdom which was so much more than just human and earthly knowledge. Which shows us the diffence between wisdom and knowledge, wisdom is the discernment that is of God and knowledge is the having information or of being learned.  It says in Ecclesiastes 2:26 "God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy to those who please him.". But I then ask myself "how do you please God?"

I believe that wisdom is the forgotten "fruit of the spirit". If you are filled Christ and truely listening for what he has instore for your life then how can you not be seen as wise? God is the one telling you what to do, and after all he is wisest.