Monday, July 31, 2017

Mark 10: 47-49
"When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus of Nazarith was nearby, he began to shout, 'Jesus, son of David have mercy on me!' 'Be quiet!' many of the  people yelled at him. But he only shouted louder 'Son of David, have mercy on me!' When Jesus heard this, he stopped and said 'Tell him to come here.' So they called the blind man, 'cheer up' they said. 'Come on he's calling you' Bartimus jumped up, threw aside his coat and followed him."

In these verses it reminds me that I have been and sometimes am guilty of crying out to God only when I feel his presence or when I think that He is near. I personally know that in my life when I feel that God is no where to be found I, in no way, want to talk to him. I try to put off my problems say, when this Sunday comes, then I'll deal with it. Or at this youth confrence, God is going to be so evident, He'll be there and then He will hear me. I get caught up in only wanting to talk to Him or confess my sins when I am on a spiritual high. Since being here already I am dealing with things that I never have dealt with before, or belittled. It is crazy how much God can pull out of you even when you think that he is done digging and at the most random times. Yesterday when we were doing the cardboard testimonies another part of me and my past was dug out. I was a random time where I was all of a sudden emotionally charged and crying out to Jesus. I wasn't in some spiritual high, or at some crazy confrence. I was just doing a simple task in my day. God was showing me that I needed to give up things to him at all points of the day. Not just when I felt it weighing on me.

Another two things that I pulled out were that; one he was blind, and two that he was a beggar. The first of those two points made me think, 'What am I blind to?' Am I blind to God and what he wants daily for me? Do I truly pray to God that He will give me eyes to see the broken and everything else that he sees?  Something I do know is that I want to be blind to the world. I do not want my eyes to be turned anymore by everything going on around me. I want to tune out the static and tune into God.

The second point was that he was a beggar. He was a beggar and and everyone knew it. I think that we need to have more of a beggars mentallity. We need to start by lowering ourselves, getting on our knees and start begging for Christ instead of having the mentality that he owes us we need to remember that He could just pass us on the street but he chooses to come alongside us and pick us up.

Today I will pray that God will dig out something in my life then talk to one of the girls from the missions team about what God has been doing in my life

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