Monday, August 21, 2017

August 16th, 2017
Romans 6:16
"Don't you realize that you become a slave to whatever you choose to obey? You can be a slave to sin, which leads to death, or you can choose to obey God, which leads to righteous living."

I find that I am often a slave to things and I don't even notice it. I was thinking about how often I have become intraped in things of this world. Most of the time not even realizing it. There is a type of power placed on those things that we value. We conform like addicts and do what ever it takes to get our next fix. Think about this, most teenagers today sleep with their phones in their room, I know that for me personally I set an alarm on it. But the thing is, at home, I don't just use it as an alarm. The alarm starts to ring, turning it off I proceed to look at what I missed out on since last looking at my social media the night before. It is a cycle that you easily can get caught in. We often think that it isn't a sin or that there is no harm that comes from it. But it is still an addiction, social media takes up so much of our day and our lives. It is hard because the world is constantly encouraging us to be on it and conect with those that we know twenty-four seven.  God is no longer my first priority in my day, and is not my first or even second thought. I want to my thoughts to surround God how they used to surround always looking at social media.

Make a list of things that I have been a slave to over the past month.

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