Monday, September 18, 2017

September 18th, 2017
1 Timothy 4:8
" 'Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and the life to come.' "

This morning I woke up late. Well I woke up when I had originally planned to at five  and was about to get up and start my day but I decided to pray instead before getting out of bed. So I started to, and I guess I fell asleep. But when I woke again next at six I was in a state of annoyance for myself. I was angry at my flesh and annoyed that I had no self control. Why was I so weak. So I hurriedly got ready to start my day and out I went. But as I was getting coffee I started to talk to Shannon. Shannon is always full of good advice for me so it is no suprise she was again today. She told me that this kind ofthing happens some times to her and God had shown her a verse in Psalm 127:1. It basically says that unless God is the one building your house, your work is wasted in his eyes. From that she was shown that her time with God isn't any worse or any better if it is shorter or longer. It is quality over quantity. I feel like sometimes when I sleep in like that though, that I am letting God down because I am giving into my flesh. But as Shannon was saying it is not always true, because if you still are craving God's word and trying to study it earnestly God sees that, it isn't about how long you study it for. So in that way the Physical training of getting up early is good, but those short intense moments with God are so much better, promising blessing for this life and the next.

Tomorrow sleep in until six again to challenge myself to have more of an intense time with God.

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